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The Purpose of Our Libraries 

Our school library collection supports the District's mission and vision by providing access to a wide variety of resources, including print materials, online databases and other digital resources that are aligned to the Colorado academic standards or in field (CTE) standards. Additionally, the school library collection supports the American Association of School Libraries (AASL) Standards Framework by providing students opportunities to explore personal and academic interests. As noted by AASL, " ... school libraries are instrumental in fostering literacy and teaching inquiry skills to support lifelong learning" (AASL 2018, 54).  

The objectives for ASD20 Libraries are: 

  • to provide staff and students with materials that enrich and support the curriculum and meet the District's educational objectives; 

  • to provide students with a wide range of educational materials on all levels of difficulty and in a variety of formats, with diversity of appeal, and different points of view; 

  • to present various perspectives, giving students an opportunity to develop critical thinking and analytical skills resulting in informed decisions; 

  • to reflect a variety of formats, including up-to-date, high quality, varied literature to develop and strengthen a love and appreciation for reading; and 

  • to provide a balanced collection of library materials that allow for critical thinking about controversial topics (religion, government, politics, current events, etc.). 

In the selection and weeding process of collection development, the following criteria will be used: 

  • Be appropriate for the age, emotional development, ability level, language levels, and for the social, emotional, and intellectual development of the students for whom the materials are selected; 

  • Provide a global perspective, foster respect for all people, and promote diversity by including materials by authors and illustrators of a variety of cultures and backgrounds; 

  • Be readily found and supported in reviews and recommendations of standard selection sources, including professional journal reviews and award lists; 

  • Demonstrate the validity, accuracy, and appropriateness of the material, particularly for nonfiction; 

  • Contribute to the breadth of materials for students to study issues that have political, economic, or social. significance and represent differing viewpoints on controversial issues and allow for critical analysis of issues; 

  • Exhibit a high degree of potential user appeal and interest, including recommendations from digital literacy partners, district personnel, students and staff; 

  • Meet high standards in literary, artistic, and aesthetic quality; 

  • Demonstrate physical format, appearance, and durability commensurate with cost and/or need; and 

  • Despite its inclusion of content or language that may be considered offensive-graphic depictions of violence or sex, for example-the relative literary value of the material as a whole outweighs its potential to offend.