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Last Friday ATE Kindies celebrated the ending of their first year in elementary school with two special events- "Pick A Box and Fix It Up" Day and by popping glitter balloons! During the "Pick a Box" event, students were allowed to choose one box. Once they had their box, students created a plan for what they wanted to create. This works on their thinking skills as they work through the planning process, and also aligns with the Engineering Design Process. Students then went to work building their creation out of the resources they had in their classroom. Our incredible building manager, Mr. Jason, even jumped in on the fun and helped students with their builds! It was so fun to see our students creativity and excitement to share their ideas.

Students also got to pop a glitter filled balloon! Students wore shower caps and goggles as they stood under glitter filled balloons. After a countdown, students popped the balloons and squealed with joy as they were showered with glitter. We aren't afraid of a little mess here at ATE!