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On Wednesday, May 1st, Antelope Trails students and staff "traveled" to six countries- Australia, Colombia, India, Ireland, Lesotho, and Mexico- as part of World Day. This annual event focuses on encouraging student development of international mindedness. Students used their senses, sight, touch, sound, and smell, to explore these countries. Families and community members allowed us to borrow artifacts from these countries for students to observe. This immersive experience included art, music, and cultural customs, such as greetings, and so much more. Students were able to smell items from these countries, such as Irish tea, curry, and cumin. It was an incredible day full of joy and inquiry!

Antelopes also took action as part of World Day and collected coins for Heifer International. Our goal was to collect $120 to buy a family a "Dream Basket"- including sheep, pigs, chickens, and more.